Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bloody Book Bloody Secret

Okhayyy. as previous posted about a book called The Secret... I have actually finished it ages ago, but i haven't got around to update it... why ?? perhaps because i am still trying to use it in my actual life...

Basically what's stated in the book from page 1 till the end.. just simply saying that the most powerful tool in the universe that human has is your MIND.. your thoughts... and your action... basically if you manifesting a positive thoughts the results will return to you of the same... so it is all depends on how you see things are... example : instead of thinking "oh shit i'm gonna be fucking late etc. " , you could alter your thoughts to "There'll be plenty of time for me to make it in time". As you can see the obvious differences between the 2 thoughts of what outcome will be... but then for me... not everything can be just Black and White... there are greys on the side.. altho not everything.. but it is there. SOOOO.. am still trying to manifest in certain thoughts and see what the outcomes are like... Trial and Error as they would put it :D

till then.. i shall say buhbyee for now. as i gotta skadooch. gonna chill for a bit and rest.. as the sickness still kicking in.. soo i'll c ya around!!! :D


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Down with the sickness and Mini Update


como estas?!?! well hopefully you guys have been well, especially around aussie land with the weather changes it's going krazy! especially this week, not a single day above 13 degrees and the lowest at night could reach about 1-2 degrees. As suggested by the title, i am down with the sickness at the moment, as i've been coughing and sniffing most of the time... plus having a bloody sore throat... it sucks so bad.. i can hardly sleep well at night and it has been like that for a couple of nights now... so i am just trying to sweat my ass off so the viruses can get the hell out of my body... in hope that tomorrow i feel better than today.

since last time i wrote... i reckon there has been quite a few things went on. like the weekend after last, i had a small trip out to a small country town called Porepunkah. I think it was about 3-4 hours out of Melbourne. We were staying at this nice little cozy house in the middle of no where, it was called The Kiln House... don't know exactly why it's called Kiln but nonetheless it was a fantastic contemporary style of a house. it was an outside deck that's facing out to a flat land of greens and cows.. and a clear view to a wineries. It was rather isolated from anything else and any noises out there.. hence it was in the middle of no where... like nothing else but greens.. and 2 houses.. and the distance between one house to the other is about 500m-1km away.. so there's a fair bit of distance in between. Anywho for further information, i'd recommend you to check this website out "" , i'm sure it's worth it and it's cheaper if you with a bunch of friends. :D

Any other than that.. i've been pretty much busy with stuffs plus helping Rusty's brother to renovate their house throughout the weeks... and it was progressing rather fantastic.

Anywhoo... i'm feeling a bit rundown now. so i shall close it to that for now.. and i've added a couple more of new songs in my playlist (scroll down to the bottom) 1. by Morgan Page , a song that i've been on a buzz for quite awhile now, i reckon it's an awesome song; 2. by Peter,Bjorn and John - Young Folks.. and i think it's a nice sans country western song.. it has a nice catchy tune.. so have a listen and see what you think :D .

Cheerssss. imma snooze now.