Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Secret... ( shussshhh ... )


How's it goin' for you folks ? hope ya'll doing well.. and for moi ? quite exhausted... but in a rather content mode as today has been a relatively goooooood day. can't complain much except for the cold foggy night.. but it was lovely today with the sun out and about shining and baking all the humans on earth. :0)

Anywho, today i met up with one of my mate and she suggested this new book ( well new to me anyway, even tho it has probably been published a few years back ) . it's called The Secret by Rhonda Byne, as the cover can be seen as posted on your right hand side.. please make your eyes pointed there for 5 second.. done that ?? Thank you. hehe

So as for the summaries of this book that i haven't yet read completely... but as far as several pages that i've been through... this book has triggered my mind to think that it might just be true.. not yet convinced 100% .. may never be 100% but always worth a try, ain't it ?!

Anywho.. this book is talking about how the mind and universe works in sync by giving/sending positive thoughts out.. and it will come back to you as positive... and if you sending negative thoughts.. it will come back to you as negative as well. That's the general knowledge of it, and i'm quite sure it is not a new thing to any of you... but how that works in reality ? well i guess you just have to read a bit further in this book. As some of you may think, it's easy to say than done.. well that's exactly what the book is talking about.. if you think it as hard.. then it WILL be hard.

Intrigued ?? i know i am. :)

Anyway enough of me batterin the knot at this point, so how are you ? hehe

Well.. i better get goin' and continue on with stuff for a while.. and read some more of that book in particular.. and perhaps i shall post more about the book.



Anonymous said...

Wow I finished the secret in 4 hours I could not drop this book its a great book and I have been practising laws expecially when the contributors where role models I have bought most of what they have written.

After reading this book out of curiosity to learn more and discover more about this secrets I stumbled over (the science of getting rich)